Thursday, October 30, 2008

Ended His First Term

Thine finished his first term at University. Apparently he didn't do as well as he'd thought he did.

Here's his email about his first term. I'm not sure if he meant he actually missed his exam and didn't get to take it, or did poorly.

Thank you very much for your Email, I am so great to hear from you to day, Today I went to the school to see my final Exam but I got a bad news to tell you I am so sorry about, I miss the Exam.
i very sorry when i hear the resul final exam i miss last term i always thinking i did well but isn't well enough.

Holly please understand about this. Because last term I haven't much time for study, every day after school I have to work and got to bed late, got up late, gone to school isn't on time.

Last term I have many problem as I told you, last term I thanking I did well but isn't enough so I miss I am so sorry about, this term I will stop working I will only study please give me a time I will never miss any more I promise.

OK for today now, see you soon


Here's my response to him:

Hi Thine,

I understand how school can be very hard at first. My first term in college I didn't do as well as I'd hoped. It is very different than high school and there is much to learn about how to be successful at school and in life. Taking care of yourself can take a lot of time. Try to be organized-- that is one of the hardest parts to learn. Keep good notes, make lists of things to do and keep a calendar. I'm sorry you didn't do as well as you had hoped, but this term you can turn it around.

I lost my job on Friday. Things here in the U.S. are getting bad. Our banks are failing and people are losing their jobs. I'll keep you posted on this, but will be very busy trying to find another job. I have a lot to do to get organized.

Good luck with your new term and talk to you soon,


For a few months I had been sending Thine $200/month, but I heard that students in Laos should have no problem surviving on $100, so I've adjusted the monthly stipend to $100.00.

His second term is paid for, and I also sent him a laptop that he requested. He should be all setup, I'm just a little worried about keeping it together while I am looking for a job. So far I've been hitting it hard for 5 weeks and have only had two responses and one interview. This is the first time I've been laid off, and I thought I'd find something new by now.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Thine's College Tuition and Living Expenses, Vientiane, Laos

This 2.5 minute movie show's my trip down the Mekong River to Luangprabang, Laos where I met Thine (Tin), a novice monk.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

At the end of my trip through Asia in 2007, I met a Novice Monk named Thine (pronounced Tin) in Luangprabang, Laos. We spent an afternoon together and he invited me back to the Wat for the evening chanting. After the chanting, we took a walk up to the temple on the hill overlooking the city. As we were coming down the hundreds of steps I told him I would sponsor him to go to University. Something about his drive and motivation to learn English to begin a new life after high school really struck me. It inspired me enough to decide to try to help.

Thine needed money when he graduated from being a Novice for clothes and shoes, a Gov't ID and a bus ticket to Vientiane, the capital of Laos where he would attend University. I sent $200 in April for the necessary items.

It is now May 2008, and the year's tuition needs to be paid. The University is three terms at $200/term. This weekend I received email that he is in Vientiane but needs living expenses of $200/month. Thine wants to become an English teacher -- He wants to go back to his village in Northern Laos to teach the children there. He is from a small village and is one of 5 sons. His parents paid $15/year to send him to high school at the Wat, he is the only son to attend high school.

I can't afford to put an American kid through college, but can make a huge difference in a country like Laos by helping a motivated and enthusiastic youth become someone who helps others.